Patterns: Dahlia Shawl and Puddle Jumper Socks AND a Giveaway!

Holy crap, you guys!  It’s finally here!  Today’s the day I can FINALLY tell you about not one, but TWO patterns that I’ve been working on since May!  AND, I get to hold my first ever On the Needles giveaway!

(I was going to try to play it cool, but I’m so excited, I can’t even pretend that I’m not freaking out.)

I have two patterns in the new KnitPicks Spring Collection.  It’s a book.  An actual, real-life book, and my patterns are printed in it.

For real.  Here’s the cover (It’s not my pattern on the cover, but it’s still super cute!):

32490Want to see my patterns?

I’m totally in love with my Dahlia Shawl.  I wear the prototype one all the time.  It’s the perfect size to wear as a scarf, tucked into my coat, or as a shawl, wrapped around my shoulders.  The modern lace edging is super easy to knit because it’s worked at the same time as the main body of the shawl.  (And the yarn is merino and silk, and is totally gorgeous and drapes wonderfully.)

51851220_5 51851220My second pattern in the collection are my super-cheerful Puddle Jumper Socks.  They’re knit from the top down, with an afterthought heel, so they work up in no time.  I love the stripe pattern, especially the way the third contrasting color really pops on the toe and heel.

51850220 51850220_10So, I bet you’ve guessed what the giveaway is.

I’ve got two copies of the 2015 Spring Accessories Collection (one paper book and one ebook) to give away to two lucky readers.  (It really is a great collection-there are lots of fabulous patters, not just mine.  I particularly like the Pyra Mitts, the Modular Triangle Shawl and the Charm City Socks.)

If you want to try and win a copy, comment below and tell me what you’d knit first if you won the book!  (Don’t post your address or anything-we’ll figure that all out later.)  I’ll pick the winner at random in one week (on 2/25).

Good luck!  (Now I need to go drink a nice, calming cup of tea.)

87 thoughts on “Patterns: Dahlia Shawl and Puddle Jumper Socks AND a Giveaway!

    1. Joane Tanguay

      I Would start with the beautiful Dahlia Shawl. But after, the Puddle Jumper socks would push into finaly trying aftertought heels.

  1. Sunday Thompson

    I would knit the socks first. They are so cute and I have been wanting to try afterthought heels! I may cast on the shawl too, and have two WIP.

  2. Colleen

    I would try a pair of socks first. Socks are my favourite accessory to knit. I think I’d try the puddle jumper socks because I’ve never tried an afterthought heel before. I also think they are super cute too!

  3. bri

    Definitely knitting the socks first…my bkf (best knitting friend, like a bff, but better 🙂 )swears by afterthought heels!

  4. Alex Johnstone

    They are both beautiful so I think I would start both, socks for a travel project and the shawl for doing at home. X

  5. Collette Plaquet

    How exciting for you…I can hear the joy in your writing. I am sure this is just the beginning for you as your designs are truly lovely. I think I may attempt the socks forst as I have a couple of shawls in the line-up right now. Blessings to you and yours.

  6. Donna Rayson

    Dahlia shawl first. But, I can’t wait for the drawing. I’m downloading it now and casting on today. I’ve been looking for a pattern for the Knit Picks Shine Sport in my stash. This is it. Thanks

  7. NanSea

    Puddle jumper socks first, then Modular triangle shawl, then Dahlia shawl. Then….on to the rest of the patterns. They’re all so beautiful! !

  8. M. K. Philbin

    I have some yarn just waiting for those puddle jumper socks! And some special handspun that will be fabulous as the Dahl is shawl…

  9. Maryanne Edmundson

    I’m into shawls at the moment and the Dahlia is beautiful. I would knit it up first……and the flower is especially beautiful too.

  10. Brittany

    I’m on a sock kick since I learned how to knit them a few months ago! I love the colour blocks on the puddle jumpers. I also love all the geometric stuff going on in the book ❤

  11. Pingback: Yarn Spotlight: Hawthorne | On the Needles

  12. Fiona

    Oh man, the shawl is so pretty, but I think the socks would get more wear with a baby! So, the socks. Yay! Congratulations on being published!


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