Category Archives: On My Needles

Road Trip Wrap-up

We’re back! We had a fantastic trip down to Mt. Shasta (which is conveniently located exactly halfway between Seattle and LA, where our friends live). It is a gorgeous place- beautiful scenery, fantastic weather, tasty food! I’d definitely go back again.

And the kids even managed to hang the whole drive down. I got so much knitting done! I made it all the way past the gusset of the first sock in basically one go. It was fantastic.

However, the way back was a different story. Who knew that 2- and 5-year-olds didn’t want to 20+ hours sitting in the back seat of the car? Basically, what ended up happening was that my husband (the hero that he is) managed to wedge himself in-between the car seats in the back and entertain the kids the entire way back while I drove as fast as I could to get us home. So, obviously, I didn’t get the full knitting time I was hoping for. (Honestly, knitting on road trips is the only practical application I can see for self-driving cars.)

It was a fantastic trip, despite the lack of knitting time, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat (but maybe not for a couple weeks).

Do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger on a road trip?

Road Tripping

As I write this, my family and I are about to head out on a big family road trip down to California to visit friends that we haven’t seen in waaaay too long. (If everything goes as planned, we’ll be home by the time you read this. Fingers crossed.)

My husband is being very responsible and making sure that we have the packing list squared away, hotel reservations for the nights we’re traveling, and a map of all the parks and kid-friendly restaurants between here and northern California. (Basically, a list of all the “Old McDonalds” as our 5 year-old still calls them. Nobody correct them!)

I, on the other hand, am making sure that I have the right kind of knitting project for the trip. It’s going to be a good 20+ hours in the car, and hopefully, I’ll be able to spend at least some of that time knitting (between handing out snacks, manning the audiobooks, and trying desperately to facilitate naps).

I had planned, at first, on bringing my new crochet project to work on, but honestly that project is way too much of a wildcard. I’d hate to get three hours into our drive, rage quit, and have nothing to do the rest of the trip. Plus, I really have to concentrate on the pattern, counting, and making the actual stitches. None of which are super compatible with driving with preschoolers.

So, I’m going back to my comfort zone. Because it’s comfortable there!

I found an unlabeled skein of sock yarn (I’m 80% sure it’s KnitPicks Hawthorn of some sort) and got to work. I’ve got a nice, simple ribbed cuff all done and a couple inches of stockinette started.

I figure I’ll work the leg until we’re about halfway through Oregon, then it should be time to turn the heel.

And maybe by the time we get back, I’ll have a new pair of socks to show you!

What’s your go-to road trip project?

Done and Dusted

Not much to report this week, just that I finished my self-striping socks! Woo!

And, just like I said last week, it took maybe 20 minutes to finish them up. 30 if you include weaving in the ends and blocking them. Sure, I could have pushed through and finished them last week, but it was kind of nice taking my time with them and only working on them when I was really in the mood.

I’m glad I got them done, and I’m so pleased with how they turned out. The colors are so pretty. And, the fabric is so soft and smooth, especially since I knit them with smaller needles than I usually use.

I can’t wait until the weather turns and I can wear them!

Have you finished anything lately?

So close, so far

I was totally determined to get these socks done this week, but it’s just not happening. Not from lack of trying (sorta).

I got close. I’m halfway through the toe decreases on the second sock. In fact, if I hadn’t sat down to write, I could probably have finished by the time I post this.

But, you know what, I’m a-OK with leaving them as they are right now. The socks are pretty. They’re going to be lovely when they’re done, but it’s hot outside. It’s not like I’m itching to put on a pair of new wool socks right now, anyway. And I’m super tired after almost a month of near daily playdates and almost constantly entertaining my kids, so I’m going to give myself a break. (School is out for the summer, and it’s become wildly obvious (again) that they’re both huge extroverts. They need to play with kids and get out of the house every day, or they turn into little chaos gremlins. I, however, am a big old introvert (hence the knitting), which means that every playdate and outing I set up for them leaves me fully overstimulated and exhausted.)

Anyway, all that’s a long-winded way of saying, the socks aren’t done yet. They will be done, and soon, but not yet.

How hard do you push to finish a project?


I’m one and a half socks deep into this project, and I’m still making progress. Something that doesn’t feel like it happens much these days.

I did my best to match up the stripes, but my first try, I was wildly off. I ended up having to frog basically the whole leg portion and re-knit it, which is never my favorite. But I’m so glad I did!

They’re not an exact match, but if you look closely at the colors, they’re actually dyed slightly differently, so no matter how careful I was, I could never have matched them up perfectly. I guess that’s just how hand-dyed yarn goes.

I was a little bummed about it at first, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. That little bit of variation makes the socks even more interesting.

Do you try to match up your socks perfectly, or do you go with the flow?

One Down

Woo! I’m on a roll. I just got back from a big trip to visit family, and my kids are finally at the age where they can just sit in the airplane and watch shows/play games on their tablets. Instead of having to do a whole dog-and-pony show for my toddler, I was able to sit for a good chunk of our flights and just knit and listen to my book. It was fantastic.

Not only did I get to do some knitting, I managed to knit up a whole sock (and a half, but then I frogged it).

And I gotta say this yarn is full of surprises. First, I thought it was variegated, then I thought it was an ombre/gradient situation. But now, it turns out that it’s fully striped! I don’t know if I’ve ever been so surprised by a yarn.

Luckily, it’s been a good surprise so far.

I mean, it’s super cute! And “Uneek” (which I guess should have been a clue). I don’t know if I would have put these colors together on my own, but I really like how the yarn looks knit up.

Now to match the stripe pattern for the second one.

When’s the last time you used self-striping yarn?


Y’all. I can’t get over how beautiful this yarn is turning out! I’m literally making the simplest, most vanilla socks ever, yet I can’t wait to pick them up. The colors are blowing my mind!

Look at it!

It’s like a gorgeous jewel-toned sunset or something! I love the subtle blue/green stripes at the top, and how the yarn changes so slowly into a deep fire-y red. I can’t wait to see what this yarn does next!

Looking at the ball of yarn, I’m guessing that it’s dyed so that the pair will be twins (or at least siblings), but there won’t be any repetition in the stripe pattern within the sock. I have to say, I really lucked out here- I thought I was just getting a pretty (but fairly normal) variegated skein of yarn. Turns out I’ve got myself a full-on work of art!

Plus the yarn base is so lovely. I thought it was going to be a little thin and splitty, but it’s really nice to work with. I’m knitting it up on US1s, and the fabric is coming out soft, firm and silky. (Which makes it sound like tofu. Or maybe I’m just hungry.)

I’m honestly a little bummed that I’m going to have to turn the heel soon. I kind of just want to keep knitting the leg so that I can see the entire stripe pattern all laid out.

Have you ever surprised yourself with a skein of something really special?

And we’re done!

Can you believe it?! I’m already done with the socks I picked up last week! (Yes, I did have them about 80% done. And yes, they have been sitting unfinished in my stash for almost a year. And yes, this pattern was published before this pair was even close to completed. Hush.)

I even wove in all the ends and blocked them! Ooh la la!

Unfortunately, they’re a little bit small (which, honestly, was probably why I stopped knitting them in the first place), but at least they’re finished and super cute. I guess they’ll just have to go in the “to be gifted” pile for someone with slightly more petite feet than me.

Have you ever successfully resurrected something from your hibernation pile?

Loose Ends

I’m feeling indecisive, or at least indecisive enough that I don’t want to commit to a whole sweater right now. So, I took a dive into my stash and found a project that should be pretty doable. It’s nearly finished, at least, so I should be able to give myself that finished-project-serotonin-boost that I love.

You might remember that I published this pattern a few months ago- super cute Rainbow Socks.

Well, it turns out that I never actually finished the prototype. I got 80% of the way through the socks, wrote up the pattern and decided to go do something else. Typical Allison.

Eagle-eyed readers will notice that I changed the design a bit to add more rainbows at the heel and toe. I definitely like the more-is-more aspect of the final pattern, but I’m not unraveling anything right now, so I’ll keep these guys as they are, with their boring toes.

I’m determined to finish these socks! Will it take a day? A week? A month? All summer? only time will tell.

What’s the last project that you pulled out of hibernation?

All done!

And just in time for a heat wave, of course. I finished my kid’s sweater on Monday. Tuesday was a chilly 50 degrees, so we busted it out right away on a little trip to the woods near our house. He looked like a cross between a baby hobbit and a little old man. Frankly, my ideal kid aesthetic. (Though I think the cute factor could be upped with the addition of elbow patches.)

And literally by Wednesday, it was in the 70s, and over the weekend it got into the 80s. So, it seems like this super-cozy, cabled wool sweater will not be getting a lot of play until next fall.

But, thank goodness, I managed to make the sweater big enough that it’ll definitely fit all the way through the next year (probably). There’s plenty of length in the sleeves, and if I blocked it out, I’m sure I could get some extra room around the belly and chest. I haven’t blocked it yet, because it fits just about perfect as is, and it’s extra-squishy and fluffy pre-blocking. It’s possible the neck will be a little too tight if this kid’s gigantic head keeps growing at its current rate, but that would be an easy fix.

I’m so happy to have this sweater finished! I truly don’t know the last time I finished any project, much less a full sweater. And, I’m so glad it turned out well! Now I’m thinking of making myself another Ben sweater to match… My current one is definitely “well-loved.”

Have you finished any projects lately?