Tag Archives: waiting


I’ve had a streak of bad luck lately, or at least a streak of poor planning.  It seems that every time I leave the house to go somewhere I end up with a ridiculous amount of  downtime (meeting up with a friend who’s late for coffee, sitting in a waiting room, or just getting to work early).  And even worse, I haven’t been able to use that time for knitting.

I know!  The horror!

Either I forget my knitting bag altogether, or I run out of yarn, or I left by pattern book on the coffee table at home. It’s very frustrating, because as a knitter, time not spent working on a project is wasted time.  And I hate wasting time.

So, I’ve decided to make myself an Emergency Knitting Kit to put in the glove-box of the car.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOK, it’s just a little project bag and the half-finished socks I started a couple months ago, but it’ll still work.  Socks are perfect for this- simple, easy to do a row or two and put down, and small enough to be stashed in my car.

I know it’s silly, but I’ll definitely feel better knowing that I always have knitting ready and waiting.

Do you have Emergency Knitting?

Inspiration: Waiting In Line

PAX is officially here!  Woo Hoo!  It’s one of my favorite weekends of the year.   We’ve got a whole bunch of friends that spend the weekend with us (this year, we’re hosting 10 people! Eep!), and we’re going to spend the weekend trying new video- and board-games, eating terrible convention center food and staying up way too late.  It’s going to be a blast!

Although, the one thing that is less than awesome about PAX is the lines.  All the best talks have long lines, and wasting all that time makes me want to pull my hair out.  So, what can I work on while I’m waiting in line?

I’ve got 3 criteria for a perfect waiting-in-line project:

1. It’s got to fit in my purse.

2.  It’s got to be a pattern that is easily memorized, especially if it has lots of stockinet or garter stitch.

3.  It’s got to be pretty and fun (as always)!

Let’s see what I can find:

Bandana Cowl by Purl Soho


Camp Out Fingerless Mitts by tante ehm


Turkish Bed Socks by Churchmouse Yarns and Teas
