Tag Archives: urth yarn

Done and Dusted

Not much to report this week, just that I finished my self-striping socks! Woo!

And, just like I said last week, it took maybe 20 minutes to finish them up. 30 if you include weaving in the ends and blocking them. Sure, I could have pushed through and finished them last week, but it was kind of nice taking my time with them and only working on them when I was really in the mood.

I’m glad I got them done, and I’m so pleased with how they turned out. The colors are so pretty. And, the fabric is so soft and smooth, especially since I knit them with smaller needles than I usually use.

I can’t wait until the weather turns and I can wear them!

Have you finished anything lately?


I’m one and a half socks deep into this project, and I’m still making progress. Something that doesn’t feel like it happens much these days.

I did my best to match up the stripes, but my first try, I was wildly off. I ended up having to frog basically the whole leg portion and re-knit it, which is never my favorite. But I’m so glad I did!

They’re not an exact match, but if you look closely at the colors, they’re actually dyed slightly differently, so no matter how careful I was, I could never have matched them up perfectly. I guess that’s just how hand-dyed yarn goes.

I was a little bummed about it at first, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. That little bit of variation makes the socks even more interesting.

Do you try to match up your socks perfectly, or do you go with the flow?

A little retail therapy

It’s nearly the end of the school year, so it’s been wildly busy around here. I’m on the board of our preschool co-op, so there’s lots of year-end stuff that we have to do. We’re getting ready for our big kid to graduate from PreK (which is insane and hitting me harder than I expected). And, we’re getting ready for a big multi-state trip back to visit grandparents (our first big trip since Covid, and our first time flying with two kids. It’s going to be nuts).

Needless to say, I’ve been a little stressed. So, when my little one and I had a bit of free time the other day, we went on a coffee/donuts/yarn run. They were more excited about the donuts than the yarn, but they’re two, so that’s not really surprising.

I, however, bought myself a lovely skein of Urth Uneek Fingering. I know nothing about it, except that it was soft, pretty, and superwash. I plan on making a nice vanilla pair of socks with it while we’re traveling. I’m hoping for some nice, low-key, relaxing knitting for the plane (HA!)

Now we’ll just have to see if I can remember my formula for improvising socks…

What’s the last thing that you treated yourself to?