Tag Archives: tiles

Inspiration: Talavera Tile

Before I moved to Seattle, I lived for a few years in Texas.  I love Seattle, but Texas was super fun, too (in a barbecue and rednecks kind of way).  I know this makes me kind of dorky, but one of the things I liked most about living down there was seeing the traditional Mexican/Southwestern influences mixed in with all the modern buildings.  And, my favorite part of that were the amazing talavera tiles everywhere.  (If I ever have to do a remodel on our house, I’m definitely going to suggest adding in some talavera tiles, even if they don’t really “go” in Seattle.)

til086[1]1411768119-Nine-Tile-View[1] til047[1]Totally gorgeous, right?  (By the way, these tiles are all available for sale here.  Not that I’ve been window shopping or anything.)

I love the vivid colors, the delicate details, and the fantastic organic patterns.

I wonder if I could translate that into knitting?  Of course I can!

This gorgeous sweater would look fantastic in creamy-white, burnt umber and forest green.

Oranje by Ann Weaver

oranjeBACK_medium2[1]And this hat is the absolute cutest!  Look at those earflaps!

Talavera Ear Flap Hat by Elizabeth Murphy

IMG_0855_medium[1]And this gorgeous hat already looks like it’s been tiled!

The Inga Hat by Sheila Macdonald

Inga_medium2[1]I guess I’ll just have to get my talavera fix through my knitting for now…  oh well…