Tag Archives: heat wave


You know what my favorite thing to do is? Knit. You know what I’ve not been feeling like doing? Knit.

It’s hot. Like, hot hot. As I type this, my backyard thermometer says it’s 90 degrees. This is Seattle, so we are not prepared for this. We don’t have air conditioning. And it’s supposed to get even hotter over the next few days.

We’re pretty much melting. Nobody’s sleeping. It’s rough.

We’re hiding in the shade in the morning, hoping for a breeze, and sneaking away to the basement in the afternoon when even the shade is too much to take.

I did manage to get a few minutes of knitting time to myself out on the back porch this morning before the sun got too hot, which was lovely. But I gotta say, there’s nothing that’s less-compatible with 90+ temperatures than a big, cozy, warm, wool blanket.

Needless to say, this isn’t getting done before the wedding. Oh well. Maybe it’ll be a first anniversary gift?

What do you do when it gets too hot for knitting?