Tag Archives: spider

Inspiration: Halloween

I absolutely love Halloween.  It’s one of my favorite holidays.  I love just about everything about it.  Making my own costume is always my favorite part (and always has been.  Once, when I was a kid, I was a fly.  Because why not?).   On this most spooky of holidays, let’s get some spooky knitting going!

How about some adorable (yet terrifying) little monsters?

Adopt a Blob Monster/Ghost by Jenna Kruparblob15_medium2[1]Or what about some evil little witches?  They’re clearly up to no good!

Tiny Halloween Witch by Mrs Lettice Weasel

DSCF0706_medium2[1]Halloween night can get a little bit chilly, so bundle up in this awesome spider sweater.  (I wish that the pattern went up to adult sizes, because I totally would wear this sweater.  Not even kidding.)

Halloween Sweaters – Spiderwebbed, Ghostly and Pumpkinhead by Jessica Henshaw

2877023912_68d0280c57_z[1]And, of course.  What would Halloween be without that most excellent source of high fructose corn syrup?  I love me some candy corn.

Candy Corn Stranded Mittens by emilyelizabeth
