Tag Archives: adventure time

Adventure Time Again!

I told you that Adventure Time had a lot of knitting in it.  Although, I think that this episode (Everything’s Jake, which aired on November 24th), is the first one to actually show a character knitting.

It’s not an important plot point, and unless you were a weird-o knitter, like me, you probably wouldn’t even have noticed it.

But, the episode begins with Jake sitting on the couch, listening to his Victrola and knitting away at… something.

UntitledHe then puts down his knitting, and you get to see the rest of his WIP, where it sits on the coffee table:

Untitled1Then, if you’re a big nerd like me, you squeal in delight, because you realize that Jake is making an entire outfit for his buddy BMO, the sentient robot/gaming system.

thCASP0UENSure, he’s a robot, and probably doesn’t get cold, but, he would be so cute in his new little outfit!  (I’m pretty they show this in the episode, but, for the life of me I can’t find it, so maybe it was all a beautiful, adorable dream.  Who knows.)  And he’s such a sweetie, you know that he’ll wear the sweater just to make Jake happy.

Adventure Time Sweaters

I’ve talked about Adventure Time before.  It’s one of my favorite shows, and defiantly one of my favorite cartoons.  It’s weird, existential, goofy, and fun.

And, for a children’s cartoon, it has an inordinate amount of knitting.

Last year for Christmas, the characters even had a Christmas Sweater party.

adventure-time-sweater-time[1]Finn the Human rocked a super-chunky moose sweater.

christmas-finn[1]And Jake the Dog wore a goose-themed turtleneck.

christmas-jake[1]BMO had on an adorable Snowman number.

christmas-bmo[1]And Princess Bubblegum wore a great all-over color-worked sweater which kind of clashed with her typical bubblegum-pink outfit (and hair), but she didn’t seem to mind.christmas-princess-bubblegum[1]Want to see the rest of the gang in their holiday best?  Click here.

Which is your favorite sweater?

Inspiration: Princess Bubblegum

Have you ever seen the cartoon “Adventure Time?”  No?  Well, if you’re not a 12 year old, that kind of doesn’t surprise me.

Adventure-time-logoIt’s a sometimes funny, sometimes touching, always surreal show about a boy (Finn the Human) and his magical, shape-shifting, talking dog/brother (Jake the Dog).  They go adventuring around the post-apocalyptic “World of Ooo” righting wrongs and getting into trouble.

One of my favorite characters on the show is Princess Bubblegum.  She’s the monarch of the Candy Kingdom (and literally made of bubblegum).  She’s sometimes a benevolent overlord to her subjects, and sometimes a semi-terrifying mad scientist.  But, she’s always an independent lady and quite a bit of a badass.

4820133598_c7f1752059_zLast week’s episode had PB going on a quest through a darkly mysterious wood, into a magic pond, and into a dark witch’s house.  And, being the practical gal she is, Ms. Bubblegum dressed appropriately:




The next time I go on an adventure, I know what I want to wear!  A sassy, long cozy pullover, comfy pink tights, and practical purple combat boots.  And, of course, my tiara.

Cozee, by Voolenvine


Berwick, by Kristen Rengren
